Molly Ivins: 2 Years After Her Death, People Who Knew Her Are Putting Words into Her Mouth (Are They Holding Seances?)

~~By InsightAnalytical-GRL

Molly Ivins

Molly Ivins

(Courtesy Wikipedia)

Tomorrow, January 31, will mark the second anniversary of Molly Ivins’ death from breast cancer.

At the time of her death, a lovely tribute was composed by her editor and friend of many years, Anthony Zurcher.  In his moving tribute, he wrote:

Goodbye, Molly I.

Molly Ivins is gone, and her words will never grace these pages again — for this, we will mourn. But Molly wasn’t the type of woman who would want us to grieve. More likely, she’d say something like, “Hang in there, keep fightin’ for freedom, raise more hell, and don’t forget to laugh, too.”


But while she was here, her heart never failed to see clear and true — and for that, we can all be grateful.

Almost exactly one year before she passed away, Molly Ivins announced:

Molly Ivins: Not. backing. Hillary.

Friday, January 20, 2006; Posted: 9:18 a.m. EST (14:18 GMT)

AUSTIN, Texas (Creators Syndicate) — I’d like to make it clear to the people who run the Democratic Party that I will not support Hillary Clinton for president.

Enough. Enough triangulation, calculation and equivocation. Enough clever straddling, enough not offending anyone.  This is not a Dick Morris election. Sen. Clinton is apparently incapable of taking a clear stand on the war in Iraq, and that alone is enough to disqualify her. Her failure to speak out on Terri Schiavo, not to mention that gross pandering on flag-burning, are just contemptible little dodges.


I listen to people like Rahm Emanuel superciliously explaining elementary politics to us clueless naifs outside the Beltway (“First, you have to win elections”). Can’t you even read the damn polls?

Here’s a prize example by someone named Barry Casselman, who writes, “There is an invisible civil war in the Democratic Party, and it is between those who are attempting to satisfy the defeatist and pacifist left base of the party and those who are attempting to prepare the party for successful elections in 2006 and 2008.”

This supposedly pits Howard Dean, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, emboldened by “a string of bad new from the Middle East … into calling for premature retreat from Iraq,” versus those pragmatic folk like Steny Hoyer, Rahm Emmanuel, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and Joe Lieberman.

Oh come on, people — get a grip on the concept of leadership. Look at this war — from the lies that led us into it, to the lies they continue to dump on us daily.


I can understand what Molly wrote back in 2006 because, to be honest, I was thinking much the same thing.

Well, now we fast forward to 2009 and Molly’s former assistant, Betsy Moon, described as “FORMER ASSISTANT AND “CHIEF OF STUFF” FROM 2001 to 2007,” has decided to commemorate Molly’s death by being a mind reader.

What Would Molly Think?

Betsy Moon

AUSTIN, Texas — The question I have been asked most often during the last two years is, “What would Molly think about this?” Molly Ivins would have loved this election. She would have loved the beautiful sight of “We the People” finally stepping up to become the real deciders. She would have loved the drama, the comedy and the characters.


In fact, we know how she would have felt, because she was as prescient about this election before her death two years ago as she was about all the other tragedies of the Bush years. Carlton Carl, CEO/publisher at Molly’s beloved Texas Observer, recalls her saying after Obama’s 2004 speech at the Democratic convention, “You know … that young man could be president someday.”

Before Barack Obama announced his candidacy, Chicago Magazine asked a number of luminaries if they thought he should run. Opinions varied. Molly was succinct and direct, and with her usual wit and certainty said: “Yes, he should run. He’s the only Democrat with any Elvis to him.”

And, in her column on Jan. 20, 2006, she said: “It’s about political courage and heroes, and when a country is desperate for leadership.

If no one in conventional-wisdom politics has the courage to speak up and say what needs to be said, then you go out and find some obscure junior senator … with the guts to do it.” She was speaking about Gene McCarthy then, but it might as well have been Barack Obama.


She’d love that Barack Obama began his community organizing knowing that power lies in all of us united and that he continues to remind us that we are the deciders.


Ken Bunting, an old friend of Molly’s who’s now associate publisher of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, said of Molly on Election Day, “I’m not much of a believer, but I think our friend is looking down and smiling right along with Barack’s grandma.” You know, I think he is right.

Where do I begin? First of all, I think it’s a bit presumptuous for anyone to speak for a person who can’t speak for themselves. What, did Moon and Bunting conduct a seance?

Secondly, just because Molly didn’t like Hillary Clinton and had some good words for Obama’s “Elvis factor” back in 2006, doesn’t mean she would feel the same way today.  Furthermore, for Moon to state that Obama shares the same qualities of “guts” with Eugene McCarthy is a reach, isn’t it? I still have my McCarthy bumper sticker from back then…somehow, I don’t see Obama as having the same courage of Eugene McCarthy!!

Then there’s the matter of what Molly thought, not only of Clinton, but also about Rahm Emanuel and Joe Biden, both now hanging around the Obama Administration. Emanuel, of course, is in a very powerful position as Chief of Staff, while Biden is posing as VP.  And Clinton is rattling around at the State Department.

So, what would Molly Ivins be thinking now? I DON’T KNOW, but if she were staying “clear and true” I think she MIGHT be throwing some caustic comments out there into the ether, particularly with regard to the “stimulus package” and some of the little games played by Obama over the last couple of days aimed at attracting GOP support (and winning ZIP with the House vote). And would she really think that we were “the deciders”??

As for Moon and Bunting–is seems that they are transferring their OWN fascination with Obama into a dream of  what they would WANT Molly Ivins to think.

OK, Molly, give us a sign.  I sure would like to know what you’ve been REALLY thinking about  all that’s happened over the last year…

But I sure have MY opinion…Molly, have you been listening?

The Past Week: Recaps and Random Thoughts, August 31-September 6 (A REAL Political Pregnancy Scandal; Free Don Siegelman; Don’t Show Off, Obama!, Canadian Election, GREEN CHILE!)

Wow, what a week! The Palin selection and the outrageous response from the media and Obama sycophants took up most of our attention…Here are some other things which caught my eye.


I got an email early in the week from “Free Don Siegelman” which is sponsored by Friends of Don Siegelman. In case you don’t remember, Siegelman was targeted in the infamous “fired attorneys scandal” engineered by then Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and Karl Rove.  Siegelman, then governor of Alabama, was targeted for 5 years and then imprisoned for 9 months on a conviction of bribery, conspiracy and mail fraud in a case that raised serious questions about the politicization of the the Justice Department.  Now out of prison and on appeal, Siegelman is trying to raise money for his legal defense fund. I’ll be writing more about this next week. In the meantime, check out his site and find out how Karl Rove has blown off a subpoena and could get away scott free if the full House doesn’t vote on the contempt citation passed by the House Judiciary Committee before this Congressional session is over.  And guess who might let him get away?  The Democratic leadership…Siegelman was at the Democratic Convention, trying to rally House members for a vote this fall and politely NAILED the leadership.


With all the crap in the media and the stuff coming from the Obamacrats about Sarah Palin, you might have missed this tidbit:

Democrats may be blasting Sarah Palin as a doctrinaire conservative, and Republicans may be embracing her for the same reason, but her husband and oldest son are independents.

Or, more precisely, their party affiliation is listed as “undeclared” on voter registration records retrieved from the Alaska Division of Elections.

Todd Palin, husband of the Alaska governor, hasn’t been affiliated with a party since he first registered to vote while he was in his early 20s, in 1989 — the year after he married Sarah Palin. And Track Palin, their 19-year-old son, registered as undeclared when he became eligible to vote last year.


Not sure when the media and the Obama crew will move off Sarah Palin’s pregnant daughter onto the next “scandal,” but in the meantime, here’s something they can sink their teeth into:

French minister’s pregnancy scandal

AFP VideoFriday, September 5, 2008 at 9:01 EDT

High profile justice minister Rachida Dati confirmed she is expecting but refused to reveal the name of the father.  Video report here.

The 42-year old, Muslim-born minister, who is single, hasn’t named the father, but the rumor is that he is the former prime minister of Spain, Jose Aznar.  Now, THERE’s a scandal!

I saw this great video called “Don’t Show Off Before the Fight” which may be a perfect visual for how the arrogant Obama might overplay his hand.  Enjoy!


It looks like Canada might be having its own election only a couple of weeks before our own. The Toronto Star has reported that the election may be called for October 14.


In local news:

The Toad Rescue resumed this week after a very heavy night of rain.  First, I rescued a baby toad, and the next day a big, fat one, swimming wildly in the water bowl. I was really surprised to seem them…most are underground…didn’t hear any chorus of mating toads this time.  This week I’ve seen the latest addition to the squirrel colony on the other side of the wall. An adorable baby…who knows how many there are!

In the garden, the peppers, tomatoes, and lima beans are going nuts.  The pimiento peppers are getting huge, but the eggplant are slowing down a bit. I should be planting my fall crops, but with so much still producing, I hate to pull everything up!

Tomorrow I pick up 25 lbs. of fresh roasted, organic green chile, so it will be a long day in the kitchen as I clean and seed them and then pack them away in the freezer!


*Posted by kenosha Marge

*From Family Fun to Family Feud: Obama Crashes the Dinner Party…

If You Don’t Take Care of Women in Your Party (and Don’t Respect Those in the Other Party), How Can You Be Trusted with Issues Affecting Women–Or Anything Else, For That Matter? (It’s the Loss of Credibility, Stupid!)

OK, So Let’s Talk Religion…Palin and God (Crossposted from Texas Hill Country)

A Short Comment about Sarah Palin’s Speech…Anyone Who Can Erase Guiliani from Memory Must be Good…

“What Makes Obama Run?” from The Chicago Reader, December 1995

The Direction of This Blog in the Wake of the Democratic Party’s Fiasco

What’s Wrong with This Story?–WSJ: Obama Says Palin’s Family is “Off Limits”

Help the Animals in New Orleans and Mississippi ….Info Here (UPDATE 1X–”Hurricane Safe” Mail Address for Donations)

My Interview with The Pakistani Spectator…

THE PAST WEEK: Recaps & Rambling Thoughts–August 24-30 (Steny Hoyer Parties on Behalf of CHANGE; The ORANGE Site Spreads Unfounded Rumors re: A Palin Pregnancy; Obama & The New Black Panther Party; My Interview with The Pakistani Spectator; “Holy Smoke”; Animator vs. Animation)

THE PAST WEEK: Recaps & Rambling Thoughts–August 24-30 (Steny Hoyer Parties on Behalf of CHANGE; The ORANGE Site Spreads Unfounded Rumors re: A Palin Pregnancy; Obama & The New Black Panther Party; My Interview with The Pakistani Spectator; “Holy Smoke”; Animator vs. Animation)

Well, this roller coast of a week is finally over but with Labor Day, the real onslaught of the political season will be going into full throttle.  It’s been a disappointing few weeks, culminating in the sham Democratic Convention.  The misogyny has been in full swing, fueled by McCain’s VP pick, Sarah Palin.

I’m tired but here’s taste of what went  on at the Obama festivities, which mark the great CHANGE:

While the Democrats pose as the party of the people, they sure weren’t acting like it when many of them accepted the hospitality of ATT & T:

AT&T Throws ‘Exclusive Party’ For Blue Dog Democrats Who Helped Pass Retroactive Immunity»

The telecommunications giant AT&T is “virtually everywhere” at the Democratic convention this week, “wining and feeding delegates and members of Congress with a relentless schedule of luncheons and evening celebrations.” The Texas-based company threw a special party outside the Mile High Station for its biggest supporters:

On Monday, AT&T threw an exclusive party for the Blue Dogs, the House’s moderate and conservative Democrats, at the historic Mile High Station in downtown Denver. Among the guests was House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., who in June led Blue Dogs in crafting a compromise bill that shielded telecommunications companies from lawsuits arising from the government’s terrorism-era warrantless eavesdropping.

Hoyer spokeswoman Stacey Bernards said Hoyer was not aware of any connection between the party and his work on the legislation. “I’m sure Mr. Hoyer didn’t even know who the sponsor was,” she said.

Leading the Blue Dog Democrats, Hoyer was “the point man” in negotiations over the new FISA law that Congress passed and Bush signed last month. He helped secure retroactive immunity for the telecommunications companies (including AT&T), thereby condoning their participation in Bush’s illegal spying program.

The president paid “special tribute” to Hoyer for his work in passing the legislation. While Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI) called the legislation “one of the greatest assaults on the Constitution…in the history of our country,” Hoyer heralded it as a “significant victory.” And he has earned the telecommunication companies’ special thanks this week at the DNC convention.


Please understand that Hoyer had NO CLUE that who was sponsoring this party, no clue at all.  Nope, didn’t know ‘nuthin’…in spite of the fact that the party was announced and attendance was by invitation…


Can’t you just feel all the CHANGE in the air??


I haven’t gone to the ORANGE site in months, but was compelled to see for myself the post questioning whether Sarah Palin as the mother of her Down’s Syndrome baby or whether it belongs to one of her teen-age daughters.

Classy.  No matter that someone has provided a picture of Palin while pregnant (scroll down).  The original post still sits there.


Logistics Monster has a little ditty up on Obama and the New Black Panthers, which have a link on the Obama website.  I love the part with the two guys standing at attention with guns…reminds me of when I was at Cornell and the student union was taken over by rifle-wielding black students.  It made the naitonal headlines then…why not this now?  I trust the GOP will do the job, the question is when?  They’ll be accused of “playing the race card,” of course.


I was interviewed by The Pakistani Spectator, which is a great source of new and views from Pakistan.  This site is now listed in my International Press Library.


Ever see the movie “Holy Smoke” (1999) with Kate Winslet? It was on Encore last night….It’s about a young woman who becomes hooked by a religious guru, and how her parent hire a deprogrammer (Harvey Keitel) in an effort to get her back. Seems very appropriate these days…(“satiric yet disturbing,” according to the blurb)


Take a break and see how this line drawing battles its animator:


Out in the garden, the eggplant are getting smaller. The lima beans are at their peak production, while the peppers and tomatoes are still going strong. It’s hard to rip out producing plants to replace them with a fall crop of veggies, but I’m facing this dilemma soon. I have two small raised beds which produce year round, but it’s hard to rotate crops and wish I had a third bed!


Have a good Labor Day, everybody!


*Posted by kenosha Marge

My Interview with The Pakistani Spectator…

*How Dare He Do That?

Putting Clinton, PUMAs and Palin in Their Place–The Pundits Don’t Skip a Beat

McCain and the Possible VP Pick–Putting a BOMB under Obama?? (UPDATE 1X–BOMB PLACED–It’s Palin) UPDATE 2X–ONE HELLUVA SPEECH BY PALIN; UPDATE 3X–Palin on Choice/Gays

FLASHBACK: Democratic Messages–Does Obama Cut It? (With an Aside about Obama’s Organizing & Connection to One of the ‘04 Candidates)

The GOP Toolbar…the Latest Thing in Their Arsenal…

How Many at Invesco Field Will Be There Because They’ve Been Coerced?? Here’s a true example….


Some Pictures to Get You in the Mood for Tonight…Update: Invesco Field being “Reconsidered”? (Rumor?)

Democratic Delegates Should See Gore Vidal’s “The Best Man” (1964) Before They Make Their HUGE MISTAKE Tonight…

*Pooped on by the Party (Fall in Line? I Ain’t Gonna Do That…)

Pundits, Pollsters and Should We Be Getting Ready for the Next Play of the Race Card? (Clues in the latest Zogby survey I received?) (Updated 1X)

THE PAST WEEK: Recaps & Rambling Thoughts–August 17-23 (Memories of Anita Hill; Timing of Rezko Sentencing; ACORN; Meet Emily; and Lima Beans!)