NM CD-02 Update: Teague’s opponent “donates $47.50 to himself”….

To contrast the money situation in NM CD-02, Bill McCamley wrote himself a donation check for $47.50 as reported in today’s Las Cruces Sun-News.

The article goes on to update Teague’s own loans to his own campaign…he’s added $475,000 in additional loans over the past week!

McCamley is no prize either, but Teague sure has loads of dough to toss around as a result of his oil-related businesses….

See my post from 4/29 on Teague for the gory details.

“Harry T. and the Chamber of Secrets” co-starring Oil and Republicans–Screenplay by Bill Richardson [Subtitle: The Behind-the-Scenes Adventures of Bill R., Harry Teague and the NM CD-02 Democratic Primary]