Welcome to The World Media Watch and Power Plays: World Energy Watch

The World Media Watch presents news stories and analysis from the foreign press that provide background and insight into how foreign policy and events of interest in the U.S. are viewed by the media in the countries themselves. All too often, the U.S. media neglects to report fully on the context of foreign news, offering a one-sided view for domestic consumption which does a disservice to the public.

Power Plays:The World Energy Watch presents recent news and analysis highlighting the activities of the players involved in the power struggle for the world’s remaining energy resources. Many of these stories are either not reported or underreported in the U.S. media. This column aims to enhance the public’s knowledge of the events in the energy sector and how they play out in terms of U.S. relations and future energy security.

Watch for an update of Power Plays and one or more World Media Watch columns on a weekly basis. These columns will start appearing within the next week.

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